COVID-19 has hit us again. Are you stuck at home because of the lockdown? Here are some easy ways for you to make money during this lockdown.

1. Government assistance

We have to address the obvious first. The government has offered some help for people that can not go to work because of the lockdown. If you are in NSW, you can get up to $600/week if your work hours have been reduced.

“From week four of a lockdown because of a Commonwealth Government declared hotspot, the COVID-19 Disaster Payment will increase to $600 if a person has lost 20 or more hours of work a week or $375 if a person has lost between 8 and less than 20 hours of work a week.”

Victoria also offers a similar package for their residents.

2. Invest

Warren Buffett said: “If you don’t find a way to make money while you sleep, you will work until you die.” Investing is a great way to make money while you sleep. Lockdown or not, your money is always working for you.

There are a lot of things that you can invest in: stocks, bonds, properties, cryptocurrencies, commodities…

Too many options and don’t know what to choose? Check out our post about Bitcoin and gold to learn more about them and make your decision.

If you are looking to buy Gold, check out our gold purchasing platform First Gold, which allows you to buy gold using the Dollar-cost averaging strategy. This is a great set and forget strategy to build your wealth and protect yourself against inflation.

3. Sell your old things

Let’s admit it, we all have things that we don’t need or haven’t use in a long time. So why not use the free time in this lockdown to free up some spaces and make some money at the same time?

Nowadays, you can easily sell unwanted stuff online using platforms like eBay, Gumtree, Amazon,… A good rule of thumb on deciding what to sell is: “Have I use it in the last year?”

Have any old jewellery or silverware sitting around? You will be surprised at how much you can get for them.

Here at The Gold Company, we buy all kinds of precious metals and stones in any form. Diamonds, Gold, Silver, and Platinum,… You name it. We also offer a FREE valuation for your precious metals and stones. If you want to sell it to us, awesome. But if not, cool no questions asked.

We offer a contactless solution for valuing your jewellery. Our award-winning GoldPak combines the ease of remotely selling gold, silver and all precious metals with the security, attention and personal service you would expect of a face-to-face transaction. Plus, it is COMPLETELY FREE.

Any questions please don’t hesitate to give us a call or send us an email at:

Phone 02 9020 5150 



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