In a groundbreaking scientific revelation, the future of diamond exploration in the mining industry is poised to undergo a transformative shift. International researchers have made a significant discovery, attributing the generation and eruption of magma from deep within the Earth to the breakup of tectonic plates.

The allure of diamonds lies in their connection to a specific type of volcanic rock known as kimberlite, typically found in the oldest and thickest regions of continents. However, the mystery of how these precious gems ascend to the Earth’s surface has long puzzled scientists.

Source: Live Science

Recently published in the esteemed journal Nature, a comprehensive study examined the impact of global tectonic forces on volcanic eruptions spanning billions of years. Dr Tom Gernon of the University of Southampton, one of the lead researchers, unveiled a remarkable finding: the pattern of diamond eruptions follows a cyclical rhythm, mirroring the assembly and breakup of supercontinents over time.

Dr Gernon explained, “Previously, we were unaware of the process that triggers the sudden eruption of diamonds, considering they had spent millions, or even billions, of years, concealed 150 kilometres beneath the Earth’s surface.”

The research project employed sophisticated statistical analysis to meticulously explore the link between continental breakup and kimberlite volcanism. The results were illuminating, demonstrating that most kimberlite volcanoes erupted 20 to 30 million years after the tectonic breakup of Earth’s continents. This revelation spurred scientists to delve deeper into the geological processes driving this intriguing phenomenon.

The study revealed that the Earth’s mantle experiences disruption during a rifting event, where a portion of the continental root is disturbed and sinks into the mantle below. This disruption sets off a chain reaction of flow patterns beneath the neighbouring continent.

Remarkably, while diamonds are formed under immense pressure deep within the Earth, many of them are discovered relatively close to the surface. A standout example of this is the legendary Cullinan Diamond, a breathtaking 3106-carat gem believed to have originated in the Earth’s mantle transition zone, approximately 410 kilometres deep. Astonishingly, it was discovered a mere five meters below the surface at the Premier Mine in 1905.

Beyond their geological significance, Dr Gernon highlighted that the breakup of tectonic plates also has profound effects on the Earth’s surface environment and climate, suggesting that diamonds might only be a part of the larger narrative.

This pioneering research opens up promising possibilities for the diamond exploration industry. By identifying potential locations and timings of past volcanic eruptions linked to this tectonic process, scientists may gain invaluable insights that could pave the way for the discovery of untapped diamond deposits in the future.

As the mining industry eagerly embraces these groundbreaking findings, we embark on a new era of understanding the mesmerizing journey of diamonds from the depths of the Earth to their coveted place in human history. The once-elusive secrets of diamond formation are finally coming to light, unlocking a wealth of knowledge that could revolutionize the way we hunt for these extraordinary gemstones.

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